Friday, April 27, 2012

Pick A Side!

The scene is familiar…a school playground, a group of children…pick a side.  “If you want to be my friend, then you can’t be friends with her! Pick a side!”  Even as we grow older, we pretend that such childish prejudices don’t exist.  And yet when we look around the lunch room and beside the coffee machine, those cliques are just as present today.  Do we mean to break off into these groups and form our little alliances?  Do we consciously make decisions to pull a select few of us away from the others, or is it a subconscious attraction to others that we perceive as like us?
I think what is more important is the motive of the separation.  Are we pulling away to ostracize others or are we drawing a line in the sand and setting a boundary?  Joshua said “Choose you this day who you will serve.”  At some point in our lives, we need to choose a side.  Is it going to be a side of pride and having our own way, or is going to be God’s side?  Will we be like Joshua 3:5 and sanctify ourselves, or separate ourselves for a special holy purpose, so that the Lord can do wonders among us?  No one trusts a person who sits on the fence, indecisive or playing both sides.  Neither does God. 
Like the children of Israel, we have not passed this way before.  I am crossing that line and standing with Joshua.  As for me, I will serve the Lord.  How about you?  Pick a side!

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