Saturday, March 31, 2012

Brokenness…or How to Be A Crack(ed)Pot

We can’t be useful until we are broken.  Until we are, we are too full of ourselves to have any room for Him.  Life is full of hardships that just pound away at our vessel.  When we are strong in ourselves, our vessel does not get damaged.  It can’t, because through each assault, we become harder and harder.  This also means that what is inside of us can begin to ferment and turn sour because through our hardness, it no longer breathes new life into the inside.  So there it sits, stagnant.  If however, under each assault our strength is NOT found in ourselves, each hit weakens that vessel until there are chips, and cracks.  Never enough to shatter it, but enough that it is forever damaged.  But there are differences with that broken pot.  The cracks allow the insides to seep out, draining the level of its contents, allowing it to be filled back up, and keeping the insides new and sweet instead of bitter.  It also allows what is inside to spill out, to be soaked up, instead of being hoarded within.

 Am I hard and broken?  Bitter on the inside, not allowing any drop of myself to be spilled or seen?  Or am I willing to allow myself to be spilled out, soaked up by others? To allow myself to be poured out only be to filled again by what is sweeter, by what is better?  Are you?

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