Thursday, March 29, 2012

Give Thanks In ALL Circumstances

I am convicted that I spend so much time trying to change others, that I don't focus on the things that I need to change in myself.  So how can I "be the change I want to see in the world?" (Ghandi) my my community?  Can I be willing to surrender what I am for what I may become? Can I "change my thoughts and change the world?" (Peale)

I have become like dry bones, lost in the valley.  Can I prophesy to myself? That breath will come from the four winds and breathe new life into me? (Ezekiel 37) ...into my family...into my community?  Can these dry bones be revived that I might live the life that I am supposed to...why am I here? What is my purpose?

Things that I am not...submissive, gentle, meek, slow to anger, open, genuine.  Things that I am...opinionated, bossy, condescending, self centered, easily hurt, fake...and so many other things that I'm sure are not in line with THE Plan.

So what do I do?  What do WE do?  Because you and I probably aren't very different are we.  So where do we start?  The first step needs to be made for others to follow.  So like Much Afraid (Hinds Feet on High Places) I will hold fast to my companions, Sorrow and Suffering, so that they can teach me the ways of The Shepherd, so that I can finally learn and take my place in the High Places.  And in doing so, maybe I will bring others with me.

Today I end the journey that He has taken me on, to begin the journey that He knows that I must take alone.  May He be gracious and make my paths straight before me.

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